Public transportation is a great means of transportation that is better for the environment than driving. However, often we don't think about the benefits of travelling with others and would rather be alone in our vehicle. Here are other reasons that you might not want to drive if your environmental concerns aren't convincing you.
Meditation is a good time to take a break.
Because you won't have to worry about the chaos of the highway, the time spent on public transportation can double as time to meditate. You can increase your concentration by training your brain to shut out noises and movements. While riding, pay attention to your body's sensations. What muscles do you use in a way that you are not fully aware of? Dr. John Kaplan provides more details on this subject in his YouTube Video "Subway Meditation" (see below). To discover extra information about public transportation, you must visit http://www.theguardian.com/cities/2014/may/22/amazon-futuristic-new-downtown-seattle-hq-microsoft-nintendo website.
A conscious awareness of the surrounding
If you're not watching your car the transportation system allows you to be more aware of what's happening that surround you and inside your own. Take note of the surroundings and the effect they can have on your mood and your senses. For example, noticing the sun shining down on green grass can be an amazing experience but only if you pay it all your attention. It is also an ideal time to think on your commute by public transport. You may find it easier to see the world from an expanded perspective when you are in the company of other people.
Social engagement
We are reluctant to talk with strangers in public areas due to an irrational fear of making an impression or appear silly. This is the reason we would rather drive on our own. However, don't worry as we are social creatures and love the company of others. Public transportation the chance to connect with other travellers. Improve your concentration by chatting with someone new.
It is possible to do breathing exercises in a quiet train, subway or bus. It is a great method to begin to develop a mindful mindset throughout the day by being aware of how your breath feels. Deep breathing is a great way to relax your body and return home securely.
Public transportation has numerous environmental benefits. It can also be more efficient in fitting the time of mindfulness into busy schedules. There are many options for public transportation. Carpooling could be an alternative, so you're sure that the carpoolers don't mind you focusing your attention elsewhere at times. At times it is advisable to you can take a break from driving. Be mindful of the environment and do your best to help it.